Wednesday, May 5, 2010

George the Red

Hello yall!!! Being back from China makes me sad *no more unlimited wontons* but happy *yayyy i missed you facebook!! ... eh I mean yayy i missed you guys!!!*

Being in China was a very fun and good experience. Been ages since I went overseas so I despreately needed to get out of Canberra even if it meant missing two assesment pieces :D It was quite awesome. Food was awesome and clothes were cheap. even though theres nothign for winter... jsut summer clothes.... but still it wsa awesome. I often thought "man i could jsut live here"

but then I started to notice vital differences from Canberra? Can anyone guess what that difference is??? Yes your right! Where are the churches? Where are the koroongs or the hillsong or the crossroads? Where are the pastor nelsons and pastor maks? Where are the tehillahs, jabezes or solomans? There are alot of cantonese ppl but no cantonese youth fellowship :( (well there are cantonese youth but u know what i mean lol)

Sometimes living in Australia for your whole life you start to take thins for granted. ONe of these things I've taken for granted (And maybe a few of yous) is that in Australia we are so lucky to be able to worship, go to bible studies, talk to randoms about Jesus, go to awesome church camps (Which i heard was awesome btw) and listen to Christ Tomlin. In china, you have to be 18 to participate in church activities (Well not legally aleast)!!!

To live in a country where you can be arrested and perseucuted for your faith is kinda scary. It's something in Australia we're so lucky to have that every sunday, bible study and even minute we should be so thankful for. God has truely blessed our awkward island with our freedom and there shouldnt be a morning that we shouldn't thank God for allowing us to live as his children without fear.

I love China to bits but when I hear news of pastors beign dragged out of church and ppl getting beaten up because they tried to share the gospel, first reaction is to try to igrone anything negative about hte motherland (yes i know tpyical mainlander behaviour :P) but in Acts we see the early church was perseucted like crazy and even paid the ultimate sacrfice for the hope Jesus has given us. So I reliase that its reality. :(

But God being awesome, turned Saul to the cross and gave him a new name. I hope one day that God will turn CHina to the cross (and we can see he has been!! Over 40 million unregistered christians in china... that's TWO AUSTRALIAS D: ) and give China not a new name but a new hope for a mighty gold medal factory nation of 1 billion people (yes take some commie properganda >: D ).

It's not easy to pray for those ppl doing the persuceting but rememeber "For God did not send his son to condemn the world but to save the world through him , John 3:17" so everyone is to be saved, even the Sauls and the Pharisees and the Neros of our time.

So pray for China and many other parts of the world where being a Chrisitan isn't easy. Pray for our brothers and sisters in those places (don't forget about von !! :D ) . Pray that God will touch the hearts of people in those places as he has touched our hearts. pray that the message of the salvation and hope we have in jesus is spread all over the globe so that every knee should boy and every tongue confess that Jesus is LORD! (Eh kinda from philemon 2:10?? lol). Never stop thanking God too!

It's good to be back too :P


DcM said...

nice post! (like)
that's alottttt of people in China, but still have to pray for them. yea hope for Him to do big things in that big population!

Anonymous said...

Christ Tomlin, eh?
