Friday, March 21, 2008

Bible Study Update 1

Hi guys, perhaps a bit late, but here are the two bible studies for the night. The Roman Road and Two Ways to Live. Ordinarily, (well in theory), I will also post up my thoughts and answers, but as all the groups will cover these studies, I will withhold it for this point in time. Enjoy Easter guys

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Saturday, 22 March

Hi everyone!

I hope you all got Nick's email, but if not, a reminder that...


We'll be back doing Bible study next week, so see you all there! That is all. Have a blessed Easter and remember why it is we celebrate! :D *scuttles away*

p.s. Aunty Anndey (Abbi's mum!) gave a talk yesterday about Sex, Marriage and Singleness. If you want the notes from then, we could probably ask her for them. Is anyone interested?

p.p.s. Does any fabulous note-taker still have the notes from the Mary Ong talk on the Word of God? Do you want to type it out and post it here? Let me know! magelet89[at]hotmail[dot]com

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Tehillah Schedule

Hi guys

For most of you, you have already received the tehillah schedule. But I thought I would put it up on our blog just in case so that if you lose your copy, this is a great place to grab another. The Schedule can be downloaded here.
Hey guys,

I hope you're all having a fabulous week at school/work. Just a quick reminder that it's Bible Study this week. I'm not sure if it's the email address that's not functioning properly, but if you didn't receive the email about this Saturday, please send Von an email asap. (magelet89[at]hotmail[dot]com)

Enjoy your Friday and I shall see you on Saturday night, 7.15pm!

- Dot.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Email addresses

The Tehillah email addresses are: (For all members) (For the leaders)

I don't know how to do the cool linky thing that Dot did, but I'm sure you guys will be fine. (For reference, is it mailto:address?)There are other email addresses but I don't know which ones are functional still, so I'll leave it to Nick to tell you guys.

Keep your eyes peeled for Bible studies later on in the week and pretty please have a quick look at them before Saturday night!

ETA: The other addresses are: (for the uni Bible study group) (for the high school and college Bible study groups) (for girl talk... shoes, dresses, jewellery! In all seriousness, I promise no spam... from me) (so you boys can continue your plotplotplotting against veggies)

Monday, March 10, 2008

Please email any suggestions to me.
Hey guys,
Welcome to our new blog! I hope this one is more active than our last one.

Hopefully making a new skin for this blog soon. :)