Saturday, April 17, 2010

Get it while it's hot guys- important study this week, because it offers the justification for Paul's instructions.

In other news, congratulations to Crab meat, Mr. Squiggle, Shermy, the Fonze, Squeaky, Dorothea, Nap-Nap and Vince Valentine on their public bathing. Look sharp, now.


Titus 2:1-15

What does it mean to be made in God's image? Sometimes we forget we're images of our creator and act a bit strange for people who are meant to be God's image.

Post Study Questions

  1. In Genesis 1:27 it says God created us in his image. What do you think this means?

  1. Also think about anything you learnt from Titus 1:5-16 and discuss if and how it affected the way you act or think

Read Titus 2:1-15

1. How do you think this passage is somewhat related to Genesis 1:27 or anything you know about how God intended humans to be like?

“So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him”-

Fact #1; This verse is not telling us that we are gods. I repeat, do not go running off demanding your parents start worshipping and let you stay up past 7. While Gen 1:27 does not describe God creating other mankind as individual gods (soundly refuted by verses like Isaiah 43:10), we have been imparted particular qualities that make us ‘like god’. In the same way a sunset shown on the television will never replace actually seeing the real thing, there is no way ‘God’s image’ possesses all the qualities the God Himself has.

Rather, what this verse gets at is that our soul bears qualities of God’s own spirit. Whether or not our physical appearance bears any resemblance to our spiritual God is up for discussion, but we can all agree that our soul is what separates us from the rest of creation, and puts us closer to God. The character of our relationship of God is thus to know Him more intimately than any other created thing. However, when Adam and Eve’s sin broke this relationship, our knowledge of God became clouded.

Paul justifies his instructions in Titus 2:11-15 is that the acceptance of God’s grace compels us to reject the ways of the world. Through God’s grace we have resecured the original relationship Adam and Eve had with God in the garden of Eden. God’s grace however not only guarantees our salvation- it compels us to good and god-like actions. Paul’s instructions in Titus illustrates what our behaviour will be like when we enjoy the presence of God in Heaven- having already been saved now, in this world, there is no room for a follower of Christ to also follow the world.

In short (or those too lazy to read the above) the instructions in Titus 2:1-15 are those that are borne out of the relationship between God and Man, to be evident when we accept a relationship with Him as Christians. Our spiritual likeness to God manifests itself in the sort of behaviour that Paul instructs.

2. List the qualities that Paul lists down for the different types of people and note the verses down.

3. Why do you think Paul divides the people like he does in this passage?

While Paul doesn’t give an explicit answer for the way he delivers his instructions to the Cretans, one possible explanation for the manner in which they are presented is the problems the Cretan church was having with false teachers. Particularly, Titus 1:11 talks about “whole households” being disrupted. The delivery of the instructions seems to be a remedy for the problem, as Paul respectively goes through each member of the family.

What is interesting here is that Paul only gives instructions to the younger women indirectly, through what the older women may instruct to the younger women (Titus 2:4). Of course, the way Paul links all the instructions (the beginning of Titus 2:3,6) together could possibly be taken to be general principles to be expanded onto other members of the house Why Paul does not instruct the younger woman directly is a bit unclear- possibly the younger women didn’t need to be given instructions and were already leading good Christian live? (Doubtful- I’m looking at you, Naomi.)

4. How is the word “slave” applicable to us? In what ways are we like slaves were in Paul's time?

Approaching this question the “Japanese way”, from the behind actually helps us gain a bit of insight into the application of Paul’s instructions to slaves. Paul’s reasoning for his instructions to slaves is given in Titus 2:10, “…so that in every way they will make the teaching about God our Saviour attractive (そうすれば、私たちの救い主である神の教えを、あらゆる点で輝かすことになります-for those of you who wanted the Japanese…) Looking at it from this perspective, making sure our actions speak of God’s teaching in a positive manner is surely a responsibility for all Christians.

Moreover, there will be situations today which mirror the master-slave relationship that all of us will at some point experience. All of your parents will kick you out at some point- this usually entails getting a job, and working under a boss. In fact, as Christians the adoption of a servant-like attitude is key to our work in reaching out to those who have yet to believe in Jesus (1 Cor 9:19), and even our understanding of leadership (Mathew 20:26-28). So Paul’s instructions to ‘slaves’ have more application to our day and age than we first might realise.

5. How many times does Paul mention maligning the word of God (or similar phrases) in this passage? If you have time go back to the previous study and see any similar phrases. In what way is Paul's list of qualities related to these verses? In what way is Genesis 1:27 also related?

Paul uses the words ‘maligning the will of God’ specifically when giving instructions to the older women in the church in Titus 2:5, but we can see how the other groups within the church are given similar instructions to protect the teachings of God and to make them ‘attractive’ to non-Christians (Titus 2:10). Again, Paul’s instructions are the equivalent solution to the unhealthy teaching being propagated the false teachers within the Cretan church described in Titus 1:10-15.

What I want to draw particular attention to is the connection that Paul makes between ‘sound doctrine’ and ‘good works’. Instead of continuing to concentrate on false teaching, Paul’s reasoning behind his instructions is so that they do not malign the word of God. Sound doctrine is therefore more than just the correct memorisation of verses perfect attendance in Sunday school- rather, it is substantiated by the deeds and actions that are borne out of a knowledge of sound scriptural knowledge. Again, salvation is not gained by our own effort, but leads us towards Christ-like actions because of the salvation received through God’s grace.

Additionally, Christians are to present an accurate and glorious representation of our saviour Jesus Christ, which Paul talks about in Titus 2:10. Having been made in the image of God, are you going to be a caricature, or a photograph of our awesome God?

6. In what verse does Paul justify acting like the way he's mentioned? If you need hints, look how the passage is structured and look for key words that might indicate a logical statement. Why would this be such a powerful motivator to our conduct as Christians?

Paul provides two justifications for the instructions he has given the Cretan church. In Titus 2:11-12, Paul talks about the universal salvation all men might receive through the grace of God. The knowledge that we have been saved in spite of our lack of merit compels us to reject the things of the world that seek to divorce us from God. This can be seen as the ‘present’ justification of our behaviour.

Secondly, Paul provides in Titus 2:13-14 for our attention to be focussed on the coming of Jesus our saviour. Along with that second coming, all of our burdens, fears and anxieties caused by this world will pass (Luke 6:20-22) . As a testament to the certainty in the conclusion that Paul describes in Titus 2:13-14, we obey the instructions given from Him who has made this future possible.


  1. How aware are you of how you live as God's image on earth?

  1. If we need to change, how and what is the only way we can change?


aAanddrreewW said...

wow, you guys are lucky free answers for next week!

aAanddrreewW said...

wait there are 8 people you congratulated.. which one is Jen & Immanuel ?

Anonymous said...

Check it out, Sherman. Even James can spell my name right.

u fail.

george XIYUE huang said...

i would give u awesome job for that but i dont see quesiton 2 so u now get nothing