Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Check out this Blog =)

Imagine this;
If you had lost everything what would happen ?
Being a bum isn't that great is it..

What sort of items would you need to survive on the streets...

hand wipes
kleenex tissues,
snacks, fruit
bottle of water,
bar of soap

What about Canberra, how can we meet the needs for the homeless ?

Imagine 2 teenage girls aged 14 & 11.. & they were regugees & they received Operation Christmas Child shoe box.. how awesome it is to have something from nothing,
then to wake up in reality & have everything they ever wanted in Australia or US..
having a family that loves them, having a Church to go to, having school & clean water having money.. but then to see people on the streets, in their own hometowns or cities.. seeing people wonder the streets without many belongings..

What if we could raise money like 40hour Famine for the poor in Canberra
What if the items above are the needs, homeless people in Canberra, that people always wanted but don't have the money..
if these things cost only $5 dollars perhaps we could have a small little bag of necessities that they could have & perhaps a Christian Track.. & the Gospel Message
added to it.

I know it's an imagination, I know it's not reality, but perhaps we could make it reality.
I'm also unsure because Australia has one of the best government funding i.e Centrelink.. One day I hope to meet someone on the street & ask about his needs
perhaps a small effort could go a long way =)



emichii said...

thanks for the blog post, aaaaanddreeeeeewwwww! :)
actually it's really true that even here in canberra there are people that live under the poverty line and yeah, there are estimated to be hundreds of homeless people in canberra. we might not see them because they're not out in the open, but they are definitely there and the huge number of them in a city like canberra is just depressing.
i would like to do something about it together, as a church. raise awareness or something- cause yeah, even something small goes a long way. :)

aAanddrreewW said...

thanks Em, I would love teaming up with you to create something for Canberra..
if anyone else is interested, we could get together & brainstorm some ideas. btw this is totally not my idea in the first place it came from "Do Hard Things" which talked about these two girls from http://hope2others.blogspot.com/ =)
Praise God for them

DcM said...

so are there homeless people in Canberra. Cos I know even Sydney is quite rare, and the thing is with them in Sydney, it's more a lifestyle that they choose to sleep out in the open. Not so much they have no where to live, although I'm sure there's some that's more desperate.

We had a Jesus Cares ministry back then that we have a van and go to the homeless sites to make sandwiches and coffee for them on a Friday night, so we get to chat with a few.

emichii said...

yeah, there definitely are. maybe you just can't see them as much. last year, during soul in the city, we went to St John's Care in Canberra to help stock and organise the groceries and stuff. basically its like a supermarket, they stock food and necessities for people who don't have enough money to buy it. poverty is just something really covered up here in canberra, people can have a house, go to school and still be living under the poverty line.
ANYWAY, there was a woman who was sleeping outside their storeroom, but they didn't see her much because she was probably ashamed. so they left out blankets for her because it was cold and clothes for her to use. i think they also managed to give her a cup of hot chocolate or something because when we went there the second day there was an empty cup on the porch.

really? it's a lifestyle? i didn't know that, i just thought there were more homeless people in sydney cause they're more out in the open and you can see them easier.
that's cool, i would really like to do something for them too. andreeeeewwwwwwww, we might not have a van like dc did but can we do something pleeeeasseee?

gaaarrrrrrry said...

oooooooh sweet we could being doing something a bit like a stepped-up version of mawson thingy, except we're actually trying to help those who need it =D

and hopefully i guess some more people might actually stay to talk. and take free books...

anyway it's a good idea we should definitely see if there's something we could do about it!