Thursday, November 26, 2009

Outreach discussion

Hey guys,

Some of us were talking about getting more serious about evangelising, so this Saturday before BGR, we're going to have our first discussion.

So, details.
When: 6pm, Saturday 28/11
Where: Church
Bring: $5 for pizza.

Basically all the drivers are going, so if you don't want to come, you'll probably have to find your own transport to Tehillah.

Either way, contact your driver to make sure everyone's on the same page.

Hope to see you theeerrrre.

p.s. Sorry about the last minute-ness. George is scarily unorganised.


vonbon said...

Blame it on the George.

Andrew and I will be there. Hopefully can find some pizza coupons so it's less than $5 each?

Anonymous said...


Pizza coupons.


Son said...

I'll get there as early as I can, but no guarantees.

george XIYUE huang said...

im so unorganised its cool 8)