Monday, May 12, 2008

sporting activity ^^

oh haa my first post. ^^

since the anu sports hall seems to be popular nowadays (my friends are always trying to get it booked but to no avail) so i think it would be good to stamp the tehillah mark before anyone else gets it >: ( and cos i'll take any excuse to skive off working saturdays (esp for sport) , i have volunteeered to help organise!

so wat do ppl want to play? shout out suggests (i suggest badminton, indoor soccer and possible rock climbing ^^)

and are we joining with any other cell groups?

cheers, georgE


vonbon said...

George rocks. *crash tackles* Thank you! I'm not fussed on which sport. So I guess it's up to the others.

george XIYUE huang said...

so are jabez solomons are going to join us?

aAanddrreewW said...

what rock climbing ! I'd love to, how do you get that to work? do we need to hire gear and stuff
Sports are so boring, I reakon games like crab soccer or capture the flag or austag (without the football) How bout potatoe sack races : P/ 2-legged races/ tug of war? I'm not really up for a sport like soccer, cricket or even basketball.

Anonymous said...

Ooh ooh 2 legged races! I can do that!

Wait, that's just a normal race right?


Yes yes, I think so too.

george XIYUE huang said...

hahahah two legged race. i can do that ^^

i dont know... iw as thinking about normal sports but if ppl want to do that then why not :p

but capture teh flag probably better outside. gym too small

gaaarrrrrrry said...

What is Oztag without a football?

aAanddrreewW said...

sorry Dot! Yes I meant 3 legged race where you tie two peoples leg together and you race another pair.
With those strips of cloth attached by velcro, (the things they use in oztag) "Tags" well you and play a game of 'last person standing' where you have to grab their tags to get them out.

george XIYUE huang said...

i think it would be better to play those sorts of games outside...

trust me... stacking inside hursts more than it actually looks ^^

aAanddrreewW said...

heheee yep (that would be funny but not pretty)
okay i'll bring a basketball on saturz and then we play Bin Ball! kekeke jks jks

Son said...

yup, any sports are fine... as long as we can get everyone involved at the same time