In one of Don Carsons talks he talks about a friend who could tell the entire message in two minutes. Unfortunatly, he went on to say that his friend had drifted slightly and that in his telling he misses out the part about God's wrath. This got me thinking, could I tell people about the gospel in under 2 minutes? It's harder than it looks.
So here's my challange to anyone that reads this. Can you explain the gospel in under 500 words (that's about 2 minutes of talking time) to a nonchristian? It'd be pretty cool if you posted up your attempts as well so the rest of us can learn and be better equiped when we try to tell our non-believing friends.
God created the world and made us in his image to take care of this world and have a relationship with him. Unfortunely we're jerks and wanted the world for ourselves so we decided to cut ourselves from God resulting in sin. Too bad God hates sin so he has to and will destroy sin (which means us) as an act of judgement. Luckily God loves us so he sent his son Jesus to sherpard us back to him and ultimately pay the price for our sin. Now that's not gg just yet cos Jesus defeats sin and death by being raised up by God, giving all sinners new hope and the holy spirit to lay some hurt to Satan. So now we have two choices, we either contuine living as idiots... eh i mean sinners... and face God's judgement or join the already victorious side and trust in Jesus as our Saviour and Lord.
Most of Paul's letter's do it very well. In fact, using Paul's ultra long sentences, he sometimes do it in just one sentence lol.
But yea I think just read Rom 5 or something like that. That's less than 500 words ! I hope...
@DC: It's not the same tho. Using your own words rather than repeating Paul. He emphasises different parts depending on the circumstances of his audience as well.
Also, for anyone who thought about doing this, then read George's comment and thought "yeah, same for me" I would recommend doing it for yourself. You learn a whole lot more about the gospel and what you think is important and whether it makes a sound arguement if you write it out yourself.
yeah dont copy me punks
The Archer And The Arrow / Peter Jensen & Paul Grimmond
anyone ?? ? ? ??
He talks about explaining the Gospel in that book, how its like this big globe and your obviously going to leave things out when you talk about the gospel, it's rather using a variety of those, it still is the Gospel. Go read it
Good book for thinking about sermon writing =) or Gospel evangelism
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