Start of a new study... Can you feel the excitement??
Genesis 1
Discussion: If you had God’s power to create anything you wanted to, what would you create?
Apple Pie (See last week)
Read Genesis 1:1-2:3
1. Summarise the seven days of creation.
Before Creation | |
Day 1 | |
Day 2 | |
Day 3 | |
Day 4 | |
Day 5 | |
Day 6 | |
Day 7 | |
2. How does God create each part of creation?
3. What patterns can you see in this account of creation? What things stick out for you?
Hopefully you’ve made it up to here, ignoring the blank spaces… you’re all big kids now, and should be able to answer to first 2 questions.
Anyway, I want to talk about one thing which stood out for me (and hopefully for you too). The first is that the source of all creation is God- it starts with His Word, which is the beginning of the earth and sea, plants, animals and mankind. Our God is the Creator God, who stands higher than any created being.
4. What is man’s part in creation?
Gen 1:26-30 indicates Mankind’s pre-eminence in the scheme of creation. We were created last, distinguished from the rest of all created things in that were created in God’s likeness and image. Secondly, we have been given authority over the rest of creation, to spread across the earth make use of its resources.
I just want to quickly note that in the King James Version of Gen 1:28 words like ‘dominion’ and subdue’ are used to describe our authority over creation. Some have taken this to argue that Christian’s and an environmentally unfriendly world perspective. While this isn’t the main point of the Creation story, it is a criticism that has gained some popularity recently- we will see why this isn’t so however, in the later questions.
5. How would you respond to someone who believes that we’re just animals… glorified apes?
An finally, we arrive… the clash between Genesis and evolution. This is a topic which often puts Christians and non-Christians on completely different levels of understanding. Firstly, focussing on the question at hand, we can see that Genesis puts Mankind and the rest of creation of different levels. Mankind is the only created thing which bears a resemblance to God in all of His aspects (‘Let us make human beings in our image…’ Gen 1:26) There is no way to interpret the creation of Mankind except by recognizing the exceptional place that has been bestowed upon us.
If we ignore the unique position of Mankind and choose to believe that we are no different from the rest of creation, we can fall into situations where we are unable to justify concepts like ‘human rights’.
6. What does this account of creation tell us about who God is?
First and foremost, the creation story affirms God’s complete authority and sovereignty over all of creation. I’ll explain this more in the next question, but the Genesis creation story stood to point out the many differences between the religion of the Israelites and those of their surrounding neighbours (Canaanites, Babylonians). In many of these cultures, rather than the worship of God they had worship of the Sun and Moon as their main objects of worship. In the Babylonian creation story, the Creator has to first battle sea monsters before he can begin the task of creation. In contrast to these stories, Genesis points out that the objects of worship and fear in other cultures ultimately stood far below their actual Creator.
7. What do you think is the purpose of Genesis 1:1-2:3?
Get on your COMA reading caps, people- a lot of the differences in opinion over the Christian creation story is because people don’t read it with the right frame of reference. It would be a mistake for me to read Moby Dick if I wanted to learn about the process of Whaling (I don’t know why I picked this example- Japan’s rubbing off on me, I guess. Ed.). In fact, by doing so I miss the literary value of the story. In the same way, I think that we would be wrong to read Genesis as a scientifically accurate account of creation. As I mentioned in the previous question, Genesis served to point of the qualities of God against the pagan religions that surrounded the Israelites at the time. In order to express the God-centered hierarchy of the world, Genesis was written in such a way that the things it describes (such as the sun and the stars) would be understandable on the level of the general observer.
8. Explain the relationship between God, creation and science.
As surprising as it might sound, the relationship between God and science doesn’t have to be the antagonistic one it is often portrayed to be. Because many people (both non-Christians and Christians) see God and science offering contrary explanations about many things including relation, we might see ourselves as being forced into choosing one or the other.
Instead of looking at God and science as enemies, another view might be to see them as answers to different questions. To look at the world around us and question the mechanics, or how something works would have little meaning beyond confirming what the Bible already tells us if we stopped at ‘Because God makes it so’. So science can show us the operation of the world around us, to a certain extent- to this extent I think everyone agrees on.
But to answer the deeper answer of why, rather than how things have occurred relies on the truths that God has revealed through the Bible. God explains our purpose, while Science can explain the execution. Rather than see science as an inevitable antagonist of God, we can use rather as a means to correct our translation of the Bible. God’s Word is perfect and complete- our interpretations may not be. In such instances, our ability to discern a world stamped with the mark of its Creator can correct an inerrant understanding of the Bible.
9. Are there parts of Genesis 1 that you struggle with, don’t understand or are confused about?
10. Which characteristics of God do you find most surprising, or you would not usually associate with God (from those identified in Question 6)?
11. Reflect on your part in creation. Share any encouragement or insights that Genesis 1:1-2:3 gives you.
Spend some time in prayer, especially in thanking and praising God for His creation.
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