Sunday, December 13, 2009


Wow. Just... wow.

For those people who ended up going to Call+Response, did anyone else just feel like staring at the screen after the movie ended, just not knowing what to do?

I feel really convicted to do something. I can't just sit here and have all that knowledge and just carry on the way I've been living. What they said about the food we eat and the clothes we wear really struck home for me. Even though it's a lot more expensive (but probably not any better for you), I've decided that I'm going to stop buying Milo and drink fair trade stuff instead. I'm also going to try to buy fair trade stuff instead of regular stuff. This is gonna be hard. But Dot and I are going to the ANU food co-op shop which sells fair trade food and other stuff. We'll check it out and tell you guys about it on Sat!

Speaking of which:
9am Church for prayer <-- this is essential! We can't do anything without God being there, so we should acknowledge this and ask Him for His blessing and for His will to be done in everything we do. Please be praying for it NOW too!

Then heading to Mawson (Southlands Shopping Centre?) for some Christmas joy! We need people to make some signs to put up (Son's bringing cardboard & Von's bringing textas) and then to help with:
  • face-painting
  • BBQ
  • inviting people to come get a free sausage and to check out the book table where everything's free!
1:30pm Woden for lunch. Bring money!

3:30pm Von/Dot's house for Tehillah finale (see Son's email for more details). We'll have food for dinner but bring snacks/sugar if you want it. And drinks! :)

9pm Home time! Hopefully. We won't run as late as midnight, like last time... :$


Anonymous said...

*shakes head*

Correction: (Von + Dot)'s house.

vonbon said...

Well, no. According to Dad, it should be (Uncle David + Aunty Jennifer)'s house.

Son said...

(Y2+BOEM)'s (Mum+Dad)= House

george XIYUE huang said...

no its my house now . i came i slept i eat andrews toast i conquered

vonbon said...

Are you sure Andrew didn't conquer? Whose eyesight suffered?