Sunday, October 31, 2010

If you think that Fish Feeding Application is addictive...

then you should try this one. :)

Will you risk it for the biscuit?

Hint: Big fish eat small fish
Good luck. ^^

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Heart-breaking story :(


I remember when I first heard of the book "For Women Only"
The books about opening women’s eyes to what the men in their life are really thinking and feeling
I was like Whhaaaat!! What's in that book, let me have a peak!

But instead I was led to read "For Men Only" by Shaunti & Jeff Feldhahn
I learnt so much from that one little book :)

So now they there's two more books !!
For Young Women Only

& For Young Men Only

I belive it will be helpful if your a Mum, Dad, Youth Leader or struggling in a relationship. This will go a long way, in developing your relationships with others and understanding the opposite sex.

I can imagine fathers having daughters who are in courtships & having no clue or understanding of their daughters.. (might drive them insane?) =P


Tuesday, October 26, 2010

It is well with my soul

Horatio Spafford

One day out of the blue there was a fire, and Horatio lost his Son . .
He Lost everything he worked for, this life savings, his real estate and it was too much for him.

So he decided, "You know what, I need to get away from here, my family needs a break"
and so they decided to go on a vacation.

So Horatio load up his four daughters and his wife on ferry and he was planning to go with them.
But on that day he wasn't able to go. So he sent them on ahead

And as this ferry is out on the water it has a wreck and it goes down in 12 minutes.
And all four of Horatio's daughters are killed.

Horatio is devastated, and he hops on a boat and goes out to where the wreck happened.
As he sat on the water, the exact place where his daughters died, he wrote a poem.

And this is what the poem said

When peace, like a river, attendeth my way,
When sorrows like sea billows roll;
Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say,
It is well, it is well, with my soul.

It is well, with my soul,
It is well, it is well, with my soul.
(Google the rest)

And that's a story of faith.
To loose your entire family and say "It is well with my soul".

If that was your life how would you respond?
Would you say "Hey God, it is well with my soul"

or would you walk away
and say "God your not all your cracked up to be"
and walk away from Him

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Tree Man

Hey everyone, Seb here :)

Just like to share a few thoughts on something that happened recently.
I came across a video on YouTube today as I was procrastinating work, and I have to admit it made a rather large impression on me. Video is below:

Some of you may have seen this before. I can't say that I'm fully convinced of the validility of this report, but after browsing around for a bit more on the internet and looking at this article:
I'm a leaning towards thinking it's genuine. Regardless, it still made me think about my own situation.

I think this ties in nicely with the post that Dot did a few weeks ago. There's just so many things that we take for granted, so many things that we ought to realise that other people don't even know exists. God's blessed us with all these gifts and we need to take these gifts with both hands, go out into the world and tell everyone about him.

So what happens for people like Treeman in the video? Why are we so blessed when other people haven't even heard of the good news? I'll be frank and say I don't have the answers to these questions, but I know one thing that we can do is pray. Pray for people like Dede, pray for people who haven't ever heard of Jesus, and pray that we might have the wisdom to realise what we have and do everything that's in us to help further Big Daddy's kingdom.

Don't you guys reckon this guy sounds like Brian?

I was rushing about today in the city, and a recurring thought opened in my head;

Where am I, and what am I doing to serve for Christ and his family?

Sharing? Comments?

Love from sydney


Monday, October 18, 2010

Who Am I Among Friends ?

For the next sermon I'll be giving will be on this topic of
Who Am I Among Friends
as it only 1 month away, I'm already excited about it !!

I'm opening it to Tehillah Blog asking to ask yourself
Who Am I Among Friends ?

Or perhaps you should ask yourself
Who Was I Amongst Friends in High School?

Please leave your comments

Saturday, October 9, 2010

My Ring !!

So excited!!! finally got my Ring from the States =) as of the 10/10/10 I'll be wearing my ring
On the Ring it says:
1 Corinthians 13:13 FAITH HOPE LOVE

Please be praying for God to walk with me =)

Colossians 2

6So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him, 7rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Hey guys,

Not ranting at anyone in particular, because I think we're all guilty of this (including me), but I just cleaned up the labels, so here are a few pointers:
- Labels are to help people find posts quickly. i.e. click "Bible study" for all of James' Bible study notes.
- We're trying to minimise the number of labels, so try not to make new ones if possible. Obviously, if new ones are needed, then go for it. That's what they're for.
- Not every post needs a label. If you can't find an existing label that fits, then it probably doesn't need one.
- The key here is EFFICIENCY.

Happy blogging.

snip snip...?
or just really asian...?

Friday, October 1, 2010


"Christ will never be cool. Terrifying, life-changing, shocking, and iconoclastic, but never cool. Jesus is not my homeboy. The Gospel will always be "relevant" but never trendy." - Jon Foreman

I think this is really important to bear in mind. So often when we evangelise, we try and make God "cool", and in the process, we make Him a lot smaller than He really is. We try to fit Him into our little worldly definition of "cool", when He's so much bigger than that. Jesus has never been cool. Jesus wasn't cool when He was on earth.. He was despised and mocked. He suffered. He was murdered. He was not cool or popular or trendy. He is our Lord and Saviour, Messiah, King of kings.