Friday, July 23, 2010

Youth Sunday

Here's a list of the duties to be done for Youth Sunday, if you're not on the list then expect to be placed on the list by random computer

Chairing: George
Praying: Immanuel
Annoucements: Garry
Song Leading: Bianca
Back up singing : Gigi (more would be helpful) Jess Abbi
Piano: Naomi
Other instruments: Guitar Lynn (more would be helpful) Bec on Drums (Hopefully ^^)
Testimony: Emily, Johann and Sherman
Ushering: No one (not too sure if there's communion)
Morning Tea Setup: No one
Bible REading: Sebastian
Greeting and Welcoming: Elsa
Sermon: Andrew

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Hey guys,

just a heads up that I might not be putting out BS studies until I get back- I didn't take George's advice (read his post if you haven't), and am paying for it now. By the by, anyone else want to write my report for me?

Listen to what I say, not what I do- I say don't leave thing's to the last minute.