Thursday, August 27, 2009

Yeah, I've been commanded to post so...

I agree - last weekend was FUN. Except for the dying of hunger bit. That was not-so-fun, although it was nice to be regular like everyone else and not in charge. We should do church-wide things more often.

In other news: who's going to the fun walk next Saturday?

Saturday, August 22, 2009

So full....

Btw Andrew, only read the bolded bits.

"This weekend... awesome."

Anniversary lunch

you guys are both boring

This weekend is the 25th anniversary for CAACC ! yep you kknow it .. & what better way to celebrate than to have a feast.. all the Aunties are cooking but it might not be a feast because there's an estimate of 250 people attending !
whoa thats huge!
So I've been thinking how many people will end up parking along the street ?

but! its going to be a blast.. fyi Friday night sermon was pretty awesome.. I'm sure you can download it CAACC website at if you have trouble go >share>2009> its probably starts with something like 20090821 or something .. other than that it's probably not up there =.= oh & Son's sermon worth downloading as well..

Tonight's going to be pretty awesome =]

Monday, August 17, 2009

And now for something a bit lighter...

Did anyone read this?

Someone tell me how that counts as news.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Hot Topic

hello everyone. im bored so im going to cause some trouble

what do ppl think about this?

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Male Fellowship

Thats Right!!!
Male FellowShip has taken to new Heights! & we are going Rock Climbing ! wooot...
time to flex those Guns George & put them into good use.. YAH!

Mitchell 3pm to 5pm Sunday 16th Aug
all those who can keep up are invited :P

Say George lets do European Handball ? If we get more of a gender balance then we should start playing stuff like medicball/binball/capture the flag/austag & a possible crocsoccer ?

Can't wait till Anniversary ! !

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Youth Sunday!!!

Who is pumped for this sunday?!?!?! I know I am!!! Lets do it! 加油`!がんばっ! Encourager d'acclamation! (in google translate i trust ^^)

Hope everyone is praying for a kickass service :D

Speaking of prayer, if anyone has anything they would like me to pray about during service, jsut let me know. Can be anything from Christians overseas to perfect last hitting (well maybe not so much the last one). Prayer is the best IM since we get to talk directly to God without any dropouts so we should take full advantage of prayer.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

To my black brothers!


How to FIGHT the devil!